Results for 'Leila Kian Khah'

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  1.  29
    Assessing research misconduct in Iran: a perspective from Iranian medical faculty members.Bita Mesgarpour, Ehsan Shamsi-Gooshki, Payam Kabiri, Leila Janani, Ahmad Sofi-Mahmudi, Zahra Torkashvand-Khah & Erfan Shamsoddin - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundResearch misconduct is a global concern in biomedical science. There are no comprehensive data regarding the perception and situation of scientific misconduct among the Iranian medical faculty members. We conducted a nationwide survey to assess the research misconduct among the medical faculty members in Iran.MethodsWe used the Persian version of the research misconduct questionnaire (PRMQ) on the Google Forms platform. We sent the survey link to a systematic random sample of medical faculty members in Iran (N = 4986). Descriptive analyses (...)
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    The Politics of Location and Sexuality in Leila Ahmed’s and Nawal El Saadawi’s Life Narratives.Leila Aouadi - 2014 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 16 (1):35-50.
    This article explores Leila Ahmed’s A Border Passage, and Nawal El Saadawi’s Memoirs from the Women’s Prison, A Daughter of Isis, and Walking Through Fire. It contrasts their works and argues that location and genderawareness play an important role in the writing of autobiographies. The focus is on showing how El Saadawi’s positioning as a feminist activist in Egypt and Ahmed’s location in the USA determine the texts’ themes and shape the construction of the autobiographical “I.”.
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    AI in the headlines: the portrayal of the ethical issues of artificial intelligence in the media.Leila Ouchchy, Allen Coin & Veljko Dubljević - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):927-936.
    As artificial intelligence technologies become increasingly prominent in our daily lives, media coverage of the ethical considerations of these technologies has followed suit. Since previous research has shown that media coverage can drive public discourse about novel technologies, studying how the ethical issues of AI are portrayed in the media may lead to greater insight into the potential ramifications of this public discourse, particularly with regard to development and regulation of AI. This paper expands upon previous research by systematically analyzing (...)
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    Nurse’s perceptions of organisational barriers to delivering compassionate care: A qualitative study.Leila Valizadeh, Vahid Zamanzadeh, Belinda Dewar, Azad Rahmani & Mansour Ghafourifard - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (5):580-590.
    Background: Compassionate care is an international priority of healthcare professionals. There is little understanding about how workplace issues impact provision of compassionate care in nursing practice. Therefore, it is important to address the workplace issues and organizational factors which may hinder compassionate care delivery within nursing practice. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore workplace and organizational barriers to compassionate care from the nurses’ perspective. Research design: The study used a qualitative exploratory design, and data were analyzed by (...)
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    Evaluation of argument strength in attack graphs: Foundations and semantics.Leila Amgoud, Dragan Doder & Srdjan Vesic - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 302 (C):103607.
  6. Explaining unification in physics internally.Kian Salimkhani - 2021 - Synthese 198 (6):5861–5882.
    In this paper I challenge two widespread convictions about unification in physics: unification is an aim of physics and unification is driven by metaphysical or metatheoretical presuppositions. I call these external explanations of why there is unification in physics. Against this, I claim that unification is a by-product of physical research and unification is driven by basic methodological strategies of physics alone. I call this an internal explanation of why there is unification in physics. To support my claims, I will (...)
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    Frege Synthesized: Essays on the Philosophical and Foundational Work of Gottlob Frege.Leila Haaparanta & Jaakko Hintikka (eds.) - 1986 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    ... which is merely intensional frosting on a more important extensional L. Haaparanta and J. Hintikka (eds.), Frege Synthesized, 3—8. O 1986 byD. ...
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  8.  17
    Using arguments for making and explaining decisions.Leila Amgoud & Henri Prade - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (3-4):413-436.
  9. An ethical framework for genetic counseling in the genomic era.Leila Jamal, Will Schupmann & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2021 - In I. Glenn Cohen, Nita A. Farahany, Henry T. Greely & Carmel Shachar (eds.), Consumer genetic technologies: ethical and legal considerations. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  10. The development of modern logic.Leila Haaparanta (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This edited volume presents a comprehensive history of modern logic from the Middle Ages through the end of the twentieth century.
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  11. Media in the Islamic world: Introduction.Kian Tajbakhsh - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 70 (3):869-876.
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    A Dynamical Perspective on the Arrow of Time.Kian Salimkhani - manuscript
    It is standardly believed that the generally time-reversal symmetric fundamental laws of physics themselves cannot explain the apparent asymmetry of time. In particular, it is believed that CP violation is of no help. In this paper, I want to push back against a quick dismissal of CP violation as a potential source for the arrow of time and argue that it should be taken more seriously for conceptualising time in physics. I first recall that CP violation is a key feature (...)
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  13.  10
    Fluctuatio animi y precariedad. Disposiciones afectivas de la corporalidad en Spinoza y Butler.Leila Jabase - 2024 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 29 (1):9-22.
    Trataremos aquí sobre la relación entre Spinoza y Butler en lo que respecta a la constitución afectiva de todo cuerpo. Veremos cómo para Butler vida del individuo se presenta en condiciones de precariedad y vulnerabilidad y, para Spinoza, en un estado constante de fluctuación anímica en el que las causas externas nos afectan de una manera que muchas veces pueden implicar nuestra propia descomposición. Veremos cómo ambas filosofías convergen en este punto. Asimismo, atenderemos a la interpretación butleriana del concepto de (...)
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  14. A note on Nietzsche's argument.Leila Haaparanta - 1988 - Philosophical Quarterly 38 (153):490-495.
  15.  52
    Family planning in Brazil: why not tubal sterilisation during childbirth?Leila Cristina Soares & Jorge Luiz Alves Brollo - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (11):710-712.
    Sterilisation is the most desired method of contraception worldwide. In 1996, the Brazilian Congress approved a family planning law that legitimised female and male sterilisation, but forbade sterilisation during childbirth. As a result of this law, procedures currently occur in a clandestine nature upon payment. Despite the law, sterilisations continue to be performed during caesarean sections. The permanence of the method is an important consideration; therefore, information about other methods must be made available. Tubal sterilisation must not be the only (...)
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  16.  26
    (1 other version)Formal Qualitative Probability.Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (4):882-909.
    Choices rarely deal with certainties; and, where assertoric logic and modal logic are insufficient, those seeking to be reasonable turn to one or more things called “probability.” These things typically have a shared mathematical form, which is an arithmetic construct. The construct is often felt to be unsatisfactory for various reasons. A more general construct is that of a preordering, which may even be incomplete, allowing for cases in which there is no known probability relation between two propositions or between (...)
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    A New Approach for Regulating Bisphenol A for the Protection of the Public's Health.Leila Barraza - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (s1):9-12.
    BPA Production and Associated Health Risks Bisphenol A is a chemical agent found in many everyday products, including canned goods and plastic food containers. BPA exposure is linked to a variety of adverse health effects, such as obesity and diabetes. To protect the public's health — especially the health of vulnerable fetuses, infants, children, and pregnant women — BPA regulations should encompass products intended specifically for these populations. Even with tremendous public outcry against the use of BPA, current federal restrictions (...)
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  18. Qualities, objects, sorts, and other treasures: gold-digging in English and Arabic.Leila Behrens - 1999 - Köln: Universität zu Köln, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft. Edited by Hans-Jürgen Sasse.
  19. Finnish studies in phenomenology and phenomenological studies in finland: Interfaces of analytic philosophy and phenomenology.Leila Haaparanta - 2003 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 80 (1):491-509.
    Finland is internationally known as one of the leading centers of twentieth century analytic philosophy. This volume offers for the first time an overall survey of the Finnish analytic school. The rise of this trend is illustrated by original articles of Edward Westermarck, Eino Kaila, Georg Henrik von Wright, and Jaakko Hintikka. Contributions of Finnish philosophers are then systematically discussed in the fields of logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, history of philosophy, ethics and social philosophy. Metaphilosophical reflections on (...)
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  20. The Origins of Religion.Leila Haaparanta - 2018
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    The singapore approach to human stem cell research, therapeutic and reproductive cloning.Catherine Tay Swee Kian & Tien Sim Leng - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):290–303.
    ABSTRACT With the controversial ethical issues on the creation of human embryos through cloning for therapeutic research, which holds more promise for medical breakthroughs that the world could ever imagine and the acknowledgement by many scientists that this biotechnology may not lead in the near future to therapies; this country report discusses the approach Singapore takes on human stem cell research, interjected with the authors’ own arguments and suggestions especially on research compensation injuries, an often neglected important issue. International comparative (...)
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  22.  39
    Problems of agricultural policy in East Germany.Leila Lueschen - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (1):27-39.
    The process of agricultural unification will dominate the German scene for the next few years. At this stage, however, analysis and forecasts are hampered by the considerable problem concerning the viability of East German agriculture in a market economy and by the absence of reliable data in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). This can only be understood in terms of the agricultural situation in the GDR before unification, which is discussed in the first section. The political and economic incentives for (...)
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    The making of the economy: a phenomenology of economic science.Edward Nik-Khah - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (1):86 - 91.
    (2013). The making of the economy: a phenomenology of economic science. Journal of Economic Methodology: Vol. 20, Methodology, Systemic Risk, and the Economics Profession, pp. 86-91. doi: 10.1080/1350178X.2013.774855.
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    Formas biográficas e narrativas. Abordagens teórico-epistemológicas e expressões analíticas para o estudo das experiências de mulheres com cancro da mama.Leila Martina Passerino - 2025 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 34:119-144.
    Este artigo insere-se numa reflexão teórico-epistémica e metodológica sobre as formas biográficas no âmbito de um projeto de investigação centrado na experiência de mulheres que vivem com cancro da mama. Em termos metodológicos, recuperamos o valor heurístico da narrativa e da técnica da entrevista como um dos recursos de investigação mais férteis para o estudo da experiência. Por sua vez, recorremos às narrativas, produto do processo de interlocução com 25 mulheres que têm ou tiveram cancro da mama, para analisar determinados (...)
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    De formula vitae honestae: Uma obra de caráter político-moral.Leila Rodrigues Roedel - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (159):355-367.
    O processo de conversão ao Cristianismo, em sua versão ortodoxa, dos povos bárbaros assentados em território do Antigo Império Romano, durante os séculos V e VIl, evidencia o empenho das autoridades religiosas capazes de forjar variadas estratégias na busca do seu intento. Nesse sentido, destaca-se a atuação de Martinho de Braga pelo seu sistemático trabalho de evangelização, do que fez parte a redação de variadas obras. Entre estas desejamos sublinhar De Formula Vitae Honestae, obra de caráter político e moral dirigida (...)
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  26.  33
    Feminism and the Sexual Revolution in the Early Twentieth Century: The Case of Doris Stevens.Leila J. Rupp - 1989 - Feminist Studies 15 (2):289.
  27.  20
    Extraskeletal osteosarcoma of the hand.Kian Tjon Tan, Oluwaseyi K. Idowu, Coonoor R. Chandrasekar, Qi Yin & Tim R. Helliwell - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 124-126.
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  28. Practical Dignity in Caring.Leila Shotton & David Seedhouse - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (3):246-255.
    It is difficult to understand the meaning of ‘dignity’ in human rights, bioethics and nursing literature because the word is used so vaguely. Unless dignity’s meaning is spelt out it can disappear beneath more tangible priorities. In this article we define dignity and show how this can help health workers to maintain the dignity of people in their care.
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    (1 other version)Quantum Gravity: A Dogma of Unification?Kian Salimkhani - 2018 - In Alexander Christian, David Hommen, Gerhard Schurz & N. Retzlaff (eds.), Philosophy of Science. European Studies in Philosophy of Science, vol 9. Springer. pp. 23-41.
    The quest for a theory of quantum gravity is usually understood to be driven by philosophical assumptions external to physics proper. It is suspected that specifically approaches in the context of particle physics are rather based on metaphysical premises than experimental data or physical arguments. I disagree. In this paper, I argue that the quest for a theory of quantum gravity sets an important example of physics’ internal unificatory practice. It is exactly Weinberg’s and others’ particle physics stance that reveals (...)
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  30.  47
    Paul B. Thompson and Kirill O. Thompson (eds), Agricultural Ethics in East Asian Perspective: A Transpacific Dialogue.Leila Chakroun - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (5):627-629.
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    Positive Effects of Mindfulness-Based Training on Energy Maintenance and the EEG Correlates of Sustained Attention in a Cohort of Nurses.Kian F. Wong, James Teng, Michael W. L. Chee, Kinjal Doshi & Julian Lim - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  32.  99
    Logical limits of abstract argumentation frameworks.Leila Amgoud & Philippe Besnard - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (3):229-267.
    Dung’s (1995) argumentation framework takes as input two abstract entities: a set of arguments and a binary relation encoding attacks between these arguments. It returns acceptable sets of arguments, called extensions, w.r.t. a given semantics. While the abstract nature of this setting is seen as a great advantage, it induces a big gap with the application that it is used to. This raises some questions about the compatibility of the setting with a logical formalism (i.e., whether it is possible to (...)
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    “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!” – Higher Hypomania Scores Are Associated with Higher Mental Toughness, Increased Physical Activity, and Lower Symptoms of Depression and Lower Sleep Complaints.Leila Jahangard, Anahita Rahmani, Mohammad Haghighi, Mohammad Ahmadpanah, Dena Sadeghi Bahmani, Ali R. Soltanian, Shahriar Shirzadi, Hafez Bajoghli, Markus Gerber, Edith Holsboer-Trachsler & Serge Brand - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Threats to nurses’ dignity and intent to leave the profession.Leila Valizadeh, Vahid Zamanzadeh, Hosein Habibzadeh, Leyla Alilu, Mark Gillespie & Ali Shakibi - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (4):520-531.
    Background: It is essential to pay attention to and respect the dignity of nurses to maintain them in their profession while they deliver skilled nursing care. Little is known, however, about how a sense of dignity influences the practitioner. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to describe nurses’ experiences of threats to their dignity occurring within clinical settings, which generates an intention to leave clinical practice. Research design and method: The study was performed using qualitative content analysis. The participants (...)
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  35.  22
    El “spinozismo” de Leibniz en el De summa rerum.Leila Jabase - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 81.
    En el presente artículo abordamos la relación filosófica entre Spinoza y Leibniz, y planteamos la hipótesis de que Leibniz tuvo un período amistoso con éste, en el que llegó a sostener ideas spinozistas. En particular, analizamos la concepción monista de la substancia que creemos puede encontrarse en algunos de los escritos metafísicos del período 1675-1676, hoy conocidos como De summa rerum. Planteamos que la relación entre lo uno y lo múltiple, uno de los problemas con mayor pregnancia en el sistema (...)
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    When bins blur: Patient perspectives on categories of results from clinical whole genome sequencing.Leila Jamal, Jill O. Robinson, Kurt D. Christensen, Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby, Melody J. Slashinski, Denise Lautenbach Perry, Jason L. Vassy, Julia Wycliff, Robert C. Green & Amy L. McGuire - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (2):82-88.
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    Introduction: Tech and the Transformation of Legal Imagination.Leila Brännström, Gregor Noll, Amin Parsa & Markus Gunneflo - 2023 - Law and Critique 34 (3):309-314.
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  38.  13
    Bendita mulher maldita.Leila Brito - 2018 - Belo Horizonte: Páginas Editora.
  39.  33
    The Language of Rights and the Politics of Law: Perspectives on China’s Last Legal Ditch Struggle.Leïla Choukroune - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (4):779-803.
    Since Xi Jinping has taken office in 2012, China’s political repression has only but intensified so that the regime is definitively turning away from the 1990s legal reforms and the many expectations that followed in terms of rule of law and other rights fostering. In replacing these recent developments in a larger perspective including that of a “socialist harmonious society”, which had already shaded a particular light on Chinese reforms, this article proposes to envisage contemporary Chinese legal culture in an (...)
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  40.  37
    Existence and Propositional Attitudes: A Fregean Analysis.Leila Haaparanta - 2001 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 4 (1):75-86.
    It is a commonly held view that Frege's doctrine of senses and references is not compatible with the idea that there are de re beliefs. The present paper is meant to challenge that view. Moreover, it seeks to show that, instead of forcing Frege's semantic framework to answer questions raised by twentieth-century philosophy of language, we could try to find other questions to which it might be an answer. It is argued that the proper treatment of Frege's views requires the (...)
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    On “being” and being erege between Carnap and Heidegger.Leila Haaparanta - 2012 - In Leila Haaparanta & Heikki J. Koskinen (eds.), Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic. Oxford, England: OUP USA. pp. 319.
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  42. Philosophy and its Recent History: Remarks on What is Analytic Philosophy?, by Hans-Johann Glock.Leila Haaparanta - 2013 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 2 (2):2-5.
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    Note sur l'extraction de la Racine carrée d'un entier chez Ibn al-hayṯam et comparaison avec al-baġdādī.Leïla Hamouda & Yassine Hachaichi - 2021 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 31 (1):149-157.
    Dans le cadre des algorithmes numériques introduits et élaborés par les mathématiciens arabes, à partir du ixe siècle, figure l'algorithme de l'extraction de la racine carrée d'un entier naturel. Cet algorithme a été étudié chez plusieurs d'entre eux et surtout bien expliqué par alBaġdādī dans le chapitre « Comment extraire la racine des nombres entiers » de son livre « La complétion du calcul », Al-takmila fī al-ḥisāb 1. Dans ce chapitre, al-Baġdādī expose son travail pédagogiquement en six sections traitant (...)
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  44.  4
    El deseo y los afectos: Spinoza a través de la lectura de Lacan.Leila Jabase - 2024 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 43 (2).
    El presente artículo se ocupa de algunos elementos comunes que consideramos pueden encontrarse entre Spinoza y Lacan. Sin que ello implique soslayar las diferencias, nos referimos a algunos conceptos e inquietudes compartidas como son la revalorización de los afectos y pulsiones, la centralidad de los conceptos de cuerpo y deseo, la importancia de las huellas o vestigium en la constitución de los sujetos o ‘modos’, así como la concepción de una curación o liberación por medio de la potencia del saber. (...)
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  45.  25
    Féminisme postcolonial : contributions théoriques et politiques.Azadeh Kian - 2017 - Cités 72 (4):69.
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    Can Nurses Contribute to Better End-of-Life Care?Leila Shotton - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (2):134-140.
    In this article I will argue that futile medical and nursing care is not only inefficacious but that it may be harmful to the patient and also to health professionals, who may be diminished both as clinicians and as persons if they are not able to give appropriate care to dying patients and their families. I discuss futile care in intensive care units because the opportunities and the temptation to provide futile care in these settings is higher than, for instance, (...)
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    Elämä ja kuolema: suomalaisten kirjoituksia kuoleman kohtaamisesta.Leila Simonen (ed.) - 1994 - Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä.
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    Political Decentralization and the Creation of Local Government in Iran: Consolidation of Transformation of the Theocratic State?Kian Tajbakhsh - 2000 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 67.
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    Hand metastasis: an unusual presentation of renal cell carcinoma.Kian Tjon Tan, Claire Simpson & Coonoor R. Chandrasekar - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 204-206.
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    Benjamin Franklin francophile ou l’état ultime du cosmopolitisme.Leïla Tnaïnchi - 2019 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 38:117.
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